Welcome to our Blog..."Remington's Beef Wellington"?


Oh gosh…we’re doing it. We’re jumping into the blogging-world; although “jump” isn’t exactly the correct adjective to describe our venture. “Shoved violently” really describes it best.

Normally this is where the person blogging writes “Just kidding!!! We can’t WAIT to launch our blog. (Sorry to disappoint.)

Anyway…We’re told that you should think of a clever name for your blog? “Flat Chat” sounds like something one finds on Public Service Radio but it’s not terrible. “Remington’s Thoughts”? Terrible. We Googled “What rhymes with Remington”? Beef Wellington was our favorite but it doesn’t make a great title for a Blog nor does it really rhyme with Remington come to think of it.

So, as you can see we’re not off to a great start; for now we’re calling it…”Blog”. Just take a moment to enjoy that.

All kidding aside (no joking has been included thus far) we will have clever posts about all things Remington Flats, FoCo, Events, Promotions, and just our everyday thoughts.

Oh…and of course we’ll have our very popular with the cool kids series… “What’s DUG up to now?”